Now is the Best Time to Buy ASICs - A Deep Dive into the Current ASIC Market
Justin Ballard(@JLB_Oso) and Jake Corley (@jacobcorley) talk with Luxor’s Colin Kelly and Matt Lousteau (@tdr_mlousteau) about the current state of the hardware market, a breakdown of the top ASIC manufacturers, and the importance of hashrate derivatives and the need for an overhaul in ASIC financing.
Creators and Guests
Justin Ballard
Dad to two rockstars, General Counsel at Adakon Energy Solutions and Founding Partner at Firm 21m, THE Bitcoin only law firm. Tweets are not legal advice.
Matt Lousteau🟧⛏️
Family Man; Bitcoiner; Operations @GigaEnergy_ Big Louisiana Sports Fan. Opinions are my own.